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From now on, I will be publishing columns on this website. They are about Major League Baseball. But with so many books, newspaper articles, and online articles about Major League Baseball, I wonder if anyone will read my columns. I'm worried. 

But anyway, I want to start with the American movie “Meet Joe Black” (1998). I think this is a great movie and it’s one of my favorite movies, but no one around me has seen it. Hasn't this movie been advertised to young women as a sweet love story starring Brad Pitt?  The people who can really appreciate the quality of this movie are people like me who are old and tired of life. ….If you want to know what it's about, watch it on DVD. I won't go into detail here.

DVD of the movie "Meet Joe Black" (Japanese version)
DVD of the movie "Meet Joe Black" (Japanese version)

Now. The main character played by Brad Pitt is called Joe Black. There is a line that a middle-aged man says immediately when he hears the name. I'll introduce it with the English subtitles. "Hey, hey, Joe Black. Won 15, lost 2 for the Brooklyn Dodgers, 1952. I'm king of my rotisserie league."  Sounds like something a Major League fan would say. However, I think this line is incorrect. I think Joe Black of the Brooklyn Dodgers had 15 wins  and 4 losses in 1952, not 15 wins and 2 losses[1]. And, when talking about Joe Black as a major leaguer, there's something more important to note. He was the winning pitcher in the first game of the 1952 World Series. This was the first time a black man was the winning pitcher in the World Series[1].

Biography of MLB player Joe Black
Biography of MLB player Joe Black

Major League fans may say cool things, but they may actually be wrong, or they may not say important things. I wonder if I'll make mistakes or forget to write important things in my columns from now on. …I'm worried after all.


(If I've made a mistake or left out something important, please let me know. I'll try to make corrections or additions.)




  1. Selzer, Steven Michael (2010). Meet the Real Joe Black: An Inspiring Life - Baseball, Teaching, Business, Giving.

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